
编者按: Tony Adams教授曾经担任澳洲首席医官,是澳洲公共卫生协会的创始人,退休前在澳洲国立大学担任公共卫生系教授。他一直活跃在传染病控制领域,并对全球彻底消灭脊髓灰质炎方面做出了重大贡献。他针对这次的新冠疫情,澳洲以及其它个别西方国家企图把责任完全推给中国,特意写了一篇中肯的公开信,并委托本协会全权发表。作为一位澳洲有着丰富传染病控制经验的专家,他的视角专业并公正,值得一读。 

Prof Tony Adams AM 

  • 1983年-1988年任新南威尔士州首席医官 
  • 1988年-1997年任澳大利亚首席医官
  • 1997年-2002年任澳大利亚国立大学公共卫生教授
  • 1995年-2016年任世界卫生组织全球委员会 和西太平洋根除脊髓灰质炎认证委员会主席

China and Communicable Disease Control. 

For over 20 years I chaired the Western Pacific and Global Polio Eradication Certification Commissions and witnessed the amazing Chinese immunization activities and response to disease importations. 

In the mid to late 1990s I was in China to observe their national immunization days during which 100 million children were given polio vaccine in two days. This took meticulous organization by the health authorities throughout the country. 

Prof Adams 1997年在中国西安

By the year 2000 China and all others in the region had eradicated polio but in 2011 there was an importation of polio virus into Western China which resulted in over 20 cases nationally. China responded rapidly and thoroughly spending over US $50 million and involving the armed forces and thousands of epidemiologists and contact tracers to bring it all under control and to maintain their polio free status. 

I had nothing but praise and admiration for our colleagues in the China Center for Disease Control (CDC) and for the support staff from the WHO regional office in Manila. 

I am dismayed by the criticism China is getting from both our government and individuals in Australia over the current Corona virus pandemic. Some mistakes may (or may not) have been made in the beginning of the Wuhan outbreak but it is most impressive how relatively quickly the incidence of the disease in that city was brought under a fair degree of control. 

We all have to work together to control this pandemic. Pointing fingers at China and the WHO will not help. Dr Tony Adams AM Former Chief Medical Officer Australia.

Dr Tony Adams AM

Former Chief Medical Officer Australia.