Dear colleagues of CGCA,
It is our great pleasure to inform you that the 15th International Gastric Cancer Congress (IGCC 2023) will be held from June 14th to 17th, 2023 at PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan.
As an opportunity for everyone to gather in person after the pandemic over the years, we are eagerly preparing to hold the congress mainly on-site, but we will also have live streaming to make the most of this congress and to encourage participation from around the world.
Congress registration has started from March 8 (Wed) and early registration discounts will apply for those who completed the process by April 30 (Sun).
Find more details from the following website: https://site2.convention.co.jp/igcc2023/registration/
◆Upper GI Summit – EGJ Cancer Consensus Conference –◆
This conference will be held during the congress on June 14 (Wed) and bring together 49 EGJ cancer experts from around the world to present their positions while exploring the latest opinions on clinical questions in surgery, medical oncology, and endoscopy, with the aim of working toward a consensus for the year 2023. We look forward to seeing many of you joining this event as well (no additional registration required beside the congress registration).
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the congress secretariat of
IGCC 2023.
Yuko Kitagawa
Congress President of the 15th International Gastric Cancer Congress (IGCC 2023)
President-elect of IGCA
Department of Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine
For Inquiries:If you have any question about the Congress, please directly contact Secretariat of IGCC Yokohama 2023.
For registration inquiries: igcc2023@reg-convention.com;
For general information: igcc2023@convention.co.jp